Environmental and Sustainability Studies Program
Department of Environmental Studies: Undergraduate Student Theses
A Health Impact Assessment of Mixed Use Redevelopment Nodes and Corridors in Lincoln, Nebraska, Katie Clear
Empathy-Based Conservation: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Conservation Policy and Decision-Making, Kaitlyn DeLashmutt
A GIS Approach for Estimating Optimal Sites for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic (PV) Cells in Nebraska, Tomotoshi Funabashi
Developing a Sustainable Business Plan at the Shopping Center of SouthPointe Mall in Lincoln, Nebraska, Jessica Marie Hanson
Analysis and Interpretation of Factors Leading to Increased AIDS Prevalence in Sub-Saharan Africa, William Kalhorn
Creating an Environmental Placed Based Education at Norris Elementary, Ben Kittrell
Herpetofaunal Diversity at Yankee hill State Lake and Wildlife Management Area, Lancaster County, Nebraska, Shelby Klima
Educating Young Adults about Sustainable Development, Meghan Lewis
Ecological Revival and Sustainable Living in the Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest of Tamil Nadu: A Measurement of Residential Perception in Sadhana Forest, Elizabeth Collette McGuire
Ecotourism in Costa Rica: Environmental Impacts and Management, Emily McKeone
The Monetary Effects of Deer Damage on the Environment, Scott Mendlik
Designing a School Garden Space that Emphasizes Children's Wants and Uses Permaculture Design Methods, Mikhaela Mullins
Prey Selection by the Northern Watersnake, Nerodia sipedon, Kyle O' Connell
Archaeoparasitology of Chaco Canyon, Rachel Paseka
Mapping Potential CRP Land and Determining CRP Profitability in Lancaster County, Jamie Pesek
Assessing Flood Inundation Mapping with the Use of a DEM and GIS along the Missouri River at Sioux City, Iowa, Kathryn A. Pfaffle
The Distribution and Life Cycle of Alliaria petiolata in Lincoln, Nebraska, Caleb Pharris
The Diffusion of Environmental Literacy in an American Urban Community Through Children, Kelley Phillips
Assessing Anglers Identification of Common Fish Species of Nebraska, Jason Reed
Spatial Patterns of Drought Triggers and Indicators, Joseph P. Robine
Understanding Bioprospecting: Can Indigenous Populations Benefit from the Search for Pharmaceuticals in Areas of High Biodiversity, Emily Schwindt
Extent of Gully Erosion in an Agricultural Field in Northeastern Nebraska at Section 35 Township 29 North Range 1 West in Cedar County, Crystal Starkel
Factors the Cause Growth and Development in the City of Lincoln, NE, Kaylene Tegtmeier
Avian Species Abundance in Response to Recreational Trail Use, Carrie A. Wencel
Parks and Obesity in Rural and Urban Nebraska, Michaela S. Wolf
Policy and Science of Geothermal Heat Use at McMurdo Station, Antarcrtica, Joe Alvine
Minimun Riparian Buffer Width for Maintaining Water Quality and Habitat Along Stevens Creek, Sammi Bray
The Effect Of ENSO On Nebraska Winter Snowfall, Jonathan Burnham
River Sediment Sampling Methods- Causeway Building and Removal, Dillon Dittmer
Does Socio/Economic Status Affect Environmental Awarness in Elementary School Children Interacting With School Gardens?, Grady C. Erickson
Is Orthoptera Abundance and Distribution Across a Small Grassland Area Affected by Plant Biomass, Plant Species Richness, and Plant Quality?, Caitlin Falcone
The Influence of Sediment Bays on Reducing Incoming Sediment in Holmes Lake: Lincoln, Nebraska, Alex Fischer
Comparative Anylysis of Recyling Programs: A Case Study of Three Universities, Jenny Jones
Yellowstone Super-Volcano: Evalutaion, Potential Threats, and Possible effects on Nebraska Citizens Health and Prosperity, Jennie Korgie
Communication for Mate Selection In Anurans: Dominant Frequency Versus Snout-Vent-Length, Shari Jean Kunert
An Artesian Well System in Beaver Crossing, Nebraska- It's Development and Demise, Mary Lanik
Recent Legislation to Promote Wind Energy in Nebraska, Ryan Lemke
The Effects of Ornamentation on Wolf Spider Foraging, Mari Pesek
A Proposed Plan for Managing Eastern Nebraska's Saline Wetlands, Vandhana Rabadinanth
The Economic Feasibility of Solar Panels for the University of Nebraska- Lincoln, Chris Schwarz
The Green Revolution of the 1960's and Its Impact on Small Farmers in India, Kathryn Sebby
Relating Bike Racks and Bike Ridership, John Sens
Herbicides and Amphibian Populations, Zach Shirk
Distribution of Dioecious Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) along an Environmental Gradient in Ogallala, NE., Taylor Sloey
Educators' Attitudes Toward Outdoor Classrooms and the Cognitive Benefits in Children, Carlie Speedlin
Relatin Dissolved Oxygen Concentration to Fish Distribution in Jarecki Lake, Adam Sutton
Cellulosic Ethanol: The Benifits, Obstacles, and Implications for Nebraska, Cassidee Lin Thompson
Distribution of Rain Gardens in Lincoln Nebraska: Are Rain Gardens more Likely to be Built Near Bodies of Water, Eric Voecks
A Potential Plan of Action for Emerald Ash Borer in Nebraska, Lee Wheeler
Lead Detection in Water: Using Hydroxyapatite and Atomic Absorption, Nicolas Cantarero
Applications and Potentials for Biogenic Methane Recovery Operations in Nebraska Agriculture, Industry, and Economic Development, David Micheal Dingman
Nebraska Wind Power: A Comparitive Study of Knowledge and Attitudes, Cameron Helgren
A Survery of Western United States Instream Flow Programs and The Policies that Protect a River's Ecosystem, Kyle Jackson
Impacts of Plant Size, Density, Herbivory, and Desease on Native Platte Thistle (Cirsium Canescens), Deidra Jacobsen
Using GIS to Locate Areas for Growing Quality Coffee in Honduras, Ellen Mickle
Relating Fires Affect On Forest Succession and Forest's Effect on Fire Severity in One Burned and Unburned Environment, Tyler Jay Seiboldt
Water Quality Variability in a Bioswell and Concrete Drainage Pipe, Southwest Lincoln, Nebraska, Jessica Shortino
Evaluating Hazelnut Cultivars for Yield, Quality and Disease Resistance, Sam Tobin
Changes in Producer Attitudes Towards Windbreaks in Eastern Nebraska, 1983 to 2009, Kim Tomczak
Variations in Stomatal Traits of 14 Bornean Tree Species Growing on Soils with Different Moisture Contents in Lambir Hills National Park, Whitney Logan Cannon
Comparison of the Fuel Needed to Transport Plastic Recyclables Verses Aluminum Recyclables from Yellowstone National Park, Melissa DeJonge
An Affordable, Pratical Eco-House, Dave Fitzpatrick
An Assessment of Local Peoples Opinions of Community Conservation Initiatives in Relation to Livelihood Strategies in Kenya, Jill Mechtenberg
The Fall 2008 UNL Bike Survey: Examining the status of bicycle transportation at the Univeristy of Nebraska-Lincoln, Brent Schmoker