"EC32-44 Why Some Hens Lay More Eggs than Others" by H.E. Alder

Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


Document Type



© 1932, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska on behalf of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension. All rights reserved.


The 1929 report of the Storrs Egg Laying Contest, which has been conducted at Storrs, Connecticut, twenty-one years, shows that the best pen of ten hens entered laid 2,802 eggs, and the poorest pen laid 829 eggs. In the best pen the average egg production per hen was 280.2 eggs as compared with 82.9 eggs per bird in the poorest pen. Why did the one pen lay so many eggs, and the other so few? This prompts us to try to find out what factors are responsible for the number of eggs a hen lays in the course of 365 days. There are a number of well-recognized factors, and others that are more or less obscure.

This 1932 extension circular covers the genetical factors: intensity and rhythm; persistency; early maturity; the structure and nature of cells; and the management factors of laying hens.
