Child, Youth, and Family Studies, Department of


Document Type


Date of this Version

September 2008


Copyright 2008 All rights reserved


This manuscript is composed as if a ‘conversation,’ to let readers hear the different perspectives of the speakers. The chief source is the lecture prepared by Alga Giacomelli to accompany her presentation, The Space of Identity, 2005 Secondary sources are direct quotes from school documents and interviews (with approval and review of system administrators). The authors wish to acknowledge the children, families, and teachers of Filastrocca Preschool as the co-creators of this book. Special thanks to the Burchietti family who allowed the video team of Bambini: Early Care and Education in Pistoia, Italy, a Child-Friendly City (Video, 2003) to come into their home and meet their children, all of whom had attended Filastrocca. Several people worked with Carolyn Edwards at the University of Nebraska to translate documents and interviews. The parent handbook, Filastrocca, Public Preschool, was published in June, 2004, by the Municipality of Pistoia and translated into English by Silvia Betta, 2006. The booklet, The First Days at Filastrocca Preschool, was also translated by Silvia Betta in 2006, as was the lecture and slide presentation, The Space of Identity. Eva Prettyman Castellana and Giuseppe Castellana, and Anton and Nunzia Allen, translated many of the background tapes and interviews that informed the process of this book.
