Food Science and Technology Department


Department of Food Science and Technology: Faculty Publications

Document Type


Date of this Version



Infection and Immunity (September 2004) 72(9): 5,493–5,497

doi: 10.1128/IAI.72.9.5493–5497.2004


Copyright 2004, American Society for Microbiology. Used by permission


A new expression plasmid containing the fla operon promoter and a staphylococcal chloramphenicol resistance gene, was constructed to help assess the role of fliG in Treponema denticola motility. Deletion of fliG resulted in a nonmotile mutant with a markedly decreased number of flagellar filaments. Wild-type fliG genes from T. denticola and from Treponema pallidum were cloned into this expression plasmid. In both cases, the gene restored the ability of the mutant to gyrate its cell ends and enabled colony spreading in agarose. This shuttle plasmid enables high-level expression of genes in T. denticola and possesses an efficient selectable marker that provides a new tool for treponemal genetics.

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