"Updated threshold dose-distribution data for sesame" by Paul J. Turner, Magdalena Gretzinger et al.

Food Science and Technology Department


Department of Food Science and Technology: Faculty Publications

Document Type


Date of this Version



Allergy. 2022;77:3124–3162. DOI: 10.1111/all.15364


Open access.


Sesame is classified as a “major” food allergen for which mandatory disclosure is required. Understanding reaction thresholds and how these vary within the allergic population is crucial in providing appropriate dietary advice to patients, providing guidance to the food industry, and informing dosing regimens for oral food challenges (FC). However, the largest data series used to derive a threshold dose-distribution for sesame included blinded challenge data from just 40 individuals.1 Data from low-dose, open FC can be used to supplement that from blinded FC, reducing uncertainty in estimating threshold dose-distributions for allergenic foods which otherwise lack sufficient data.2 We, therefore, undertook a systematic search of the literature and performed dose-distribution modelling of individual patient FC data (including open FC) to update estimated eliciting doses for sesame.

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