Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Conference Proceedings

Date of this Version


Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Quail III: National Quail Symposium (Kansas City, Missouri, United States, July 14-17, 1992)

Kansas Department of Wildlife and Park, 1993

Editors: K. E. Church and T. V. Dailey

ISBN: 0963990209


Copyright 1993, the authors of the respective papers. Used by permission



The history of quail management with comments on pen-rearing, Edward L. Kozicky

Taxonomy and biogeography of New Norld quail, R. J. Gutierrez

Bobwhite and the "new" biology, John L. Roseberry

Quail methodology: Where are we and where do we need to be? Dean F. Stauffer

Attitudes of a select group of Illinois quail hunters, John L. Roseberry and W. D. Klimstra

Population biology

Population trends of quails in North America, Kevin E. Church, John R. Sauer, and Sam Droege

Potential polygamous breeding behavior in northern bobwhite, Paul D. Curtis, Brad S. Mueller, Phillip D. Doerr, Charles F. Robinette, and Theodore De Vos

Quail and rain: What's the relationship? William M. Giuliano and R. Scott Lutz

Breeding strategies of the northern bobwhite in marginal habitat, Willie J. Suchy and Ronald J. Munkel

Survival of northern bobwhite on hunted and nonhunted study areas in the North Carolina Sandhills, Charles F. Robinette and Phillip D. Doerr

Survival of northern bobwhite infected with a vian pox, Brad S. Mueller, William R. Davidson, and James B. Atkinson, Jr.

Reproductive ecology of northern bobwhite in north Florida, Theodore De Vos and Brad S. Mueller

Habitat Ecology

Manipulating pesticide use to increase the production of wild game birds in Britain, Nicolas W. Sotherton, Peter A. Robertson, and Simon D. Dowell

Relative invertebrate abundance and biomass in conservation reserve program plantings in northern Missouri, Loren W. Burger Jr., Eric W. Kurzejeski, Thomas V. Dailey, and Mark R. Ryan

Determination of true metabolizable energy content of bobwhite foods, M. E. Spurlock, and J. E. Savage

Correlates of northern bobwhite distribution and abundance with land-use characteristics in Kansas, Stephen J. Brady, Curtis H. Flather, Kevin E. Church, and Eric W. Schenck

Northern bobwhite densities in burned and unburned redberry juniper rangelands, Anthony P. Leif, and Loren M. Smith

Activity patterns and habitat use of northern bobwhite females in 2 grazing systems, R. Montague Whiting, Jr., and Denise L. Sloan

Habitat requirements of breeding scaled quail in Texas, Rob R. Reid, Christian E. Grue, and Nova J. Silvy

Scaled quail habitats revisited, Oklahoma Panhandle, Sanford D. Schemnitz

California quail in western Oregon: A review, John A. Crawford

Symposium wrap-up: What is missing? Robert J. Robel

Appendix A: Strategic Planning Workshop

Strategic plan for quail management and research in the United States: Introduction and background, Leonard A. Brennan

Strategic plan for quail management and research in the United States: Issues and strategies, Leonard A Brennan, editor

Agricultural practices and pesticides, Stephen Capel, John A Crawford, Robert J. Robel, Loren W. Burger Jr., and Nicolas W. Sotherton

Forest practices, Leonard A Brennan, R. J. Gutierrez, and Walter Rosene

Grazing and range management, David E. Brown, Alan Sands, Steve Clubine, and Clait E. Braun

Releases of pen-raised quail, George A Hurst, William R. Davidson, Ted De Vos, Edward L. Kozicky, and Alan D. Peoples

Population dynamics and effects of hunting, William P. Kulvesky, Jr., Bruce D. Leopold, Paul D. Curtis, John L. Roseberry, and Thomas Hutton

Appendix B: Abstracts

Appendix C: Registrants

Appendix D: Author and Subject Index
