Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Conference Proceedings

Date of this Version


Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Cracid Global Captive Action Recommendations, Working Document: Report from a Workshop Held October 1-3, 1994

A Publication of the IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, Apple Valley, Minnesota, United States, December 1995

Edited and compiled by Luud Geerlings, Alan Rost, Chelle Plasse, Dave Thompson, Stuart Strahl, and Onnie Byers


Executive Summary

Of the 88 distinct Cracid taxa considered by participants during the Cracid Conservation Assessment and Management Plan workshop, 49 species/subspecies (in various categories of threat according to the Draft IUCN Red List criteria) were assigned to one of 3 levels of captive programs:

Level 1 27 taxa (10 Critical, 7 Endangered, 9 Vulnerable, 1 Low Risk)

Level 2 9 taxa (1 Critical, 2 Endangered, 4 Vulnerable, 2 Conservation Dependent)

Level 3 13 taxa (11 Low Risk, 2 Vulnerable)

Captive programs for 14 taxa were listed as "pending", meaning that recommendations for these taxa would be postponed until further information was available, either from survey, a PHV A, or other sources. The remaining 25 taxa were identified as not requiring captive programs.

Target populations were computed for 58 taxa during the Global Captive Action Recommendations workshop. Global captive population targets ranged from 76 to 246 individuals. In 17 cases (28.8%), the target population is lower than the current global captive population indicating a recommendation to manage the captive population toward a decrease in numbers or for complete elimination from captive programs as part of a strategy to accommodate as many species/subspecies as possible of higher conservation priority. In the remaining 42 taxa (71.2%), the recommended target population constitutes an increase in the current captive populations.

Regional information has been obtained from 17 regions or countries and one institution (Estudillo ). Each region/country/institution currently maintains captive programs for several taxa:

Mesoamerica 2 taxa

South America 4 taxa

Mexico 10 taxa

Peru 2 taxa

Guatemala 7 taxa

Venezuala 18 taxa

Brazil 31 taxa

Bolivia 5 taxa

Argentina 4 taxa

Colombia 9 taxa

Estudillo 42 taxa

Israel 1 taxon

Dominican Republic 1 taxon

Costa Rica 3 taxa

North America 16 taxa

Europe 30 taxa

Australasia 1 taxon

Japan 5 taxa
