English, Department of



Gina Quant

Date of this Version


Document Type



The George Eliot Review 23 (1992)


Published by The George Eliot Review Online https://GeorgeEliotReview.org


Moving house - that worrying, complicated, exciting experience we've all had! - And moving house in November too - not an inspiring month for new beginnings!

But it was just that upheaval of moving house, and just at this time of year, that Marian and George Henry Lewes were undergoing as they moved into their new home, The Priory, 128 years ago. Marian describes in a letter how the domestic problems of moving house were diverting her from the work she so relished:

Before we began to move, I was swimming in Comte and Euripides and Latin Christianity: Now I have a mind made up of old carpets fitted in new places, and new carpets suffering from accidents; chairs, tables, and prices; muslin curtains and downdraughts in cold chimneys.

And we of the Museum staff had a similar upheaval, but in the more optimistic month of April this year, in moving the George Eliot Collections back to the Museum, and in reconstructing part of that very house, The Priory, in the Museum.
