Honors Program


Date of this Version

Winter 1-6-2022

Document Type



Hogan, T. 2022. A Case Analysis of "Reawakening the Magic: Bob Iger and the Walt Disney Company". Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Taylor Hogan 2022.


This is a case analysis of “Reawakening the Magic: Bob Iger and the Walt Disney Company” that first analyzes Walt Disney Company and then tries to answer the questions: 1) could Disney rely on a never-ending series of action hero movie hits? 2) does it make sense for Disney to own ABC or ESPN? and 3) how would the new distribution models and the increasing number of cord-cutters affect Disney’s ability to navigate the cable ecosystem? 4) Overall, given its enormous success over the last ten years, was it possible for Disney to maintain the level of profitable growth that investors had come to expect1
