Honors Program
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Kottwitz, Rose. Semitas Magazine. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2022.
Semitas Magazine is a literary magazine featuring original works from new and emerging writers. The purpose of this magazine is to highlight new and emerging writers and provide them with an opportunity for publication that they may not have received elsewhere on the basis of their being unestablished writers. Semitas Magazine will be available in print format through online print-on-demand services and is currently available to read online at semitasmagazine.com. In the creative statement for this project, I have discussed the labor, thoughts, and considerations I performed in each step of the process; what I have learned; and the various resources I used to help inform my project and facilitate brainstorming, including other literary magazines and journals.
Semitas Magazine is published and available to read online on the Semitas Magazine website: https://semitasmagazine.com/
Copyright Rose Kottwitz 2022.