Honors Program


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Wilton, W. 2023. Sustainability STAR: A Lesson Plan Unit that integrates Family Career and Community Leaders of America Competitive Events and Fashion Sustainability into the High School Classroom. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright William Wilton 2023


Family and Consumer Sciences classrooms across the country provide students the opportunity to better their creative and critical thinking skills and career readiness through participating in the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). FCCLA is a Career and Technical Student Organization that focuses on building the skills of students through various opportunities. One opportunity students have is to compete in competitive events. This unit lesson plan is focused on integrating one of the competitive STAR Events (Students Taking Action with Recognition) into the FCS coursework of a secondary Clothing, Textiles, and Design Class.

The first section of the Unit Plan focuses on the relevant topic of sustainability in the fashion industry and provides students an opportunity to brainstorm some possible solutions to a real-world issue. Then through using the guidelines for the FCCLA STAR Event Repurpose and Redesign, students are able to take what they learned about sustainability and apply it to their project. Upon completion of the Repurpose and Redesign project, students will build workplace skills by presenting their project to a guest judge who either has experience in the fashion/textile industry or experience with professional presentations. The summative assessment can be presented at an FCCLA STAR Event competition. A complete list of learner outcomes as well as state and national standards this unit meets is listed on the first page of the plan.
