Honors Program


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Carney, K., Moisseyve, G., Owens, P., & Swanson, C. 2024, Olsson Design Studio Project ZeroDelta. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Kellen Carney, Gleb Moisseyev, Paul Owens, and Carina Swanson 2024.


Olsson is an engineering firm with an office located in the Haymarket. Their
engineers face the problem of time-consuming manual comparison of 3D
blueprints to real-world construction. This is a key part of their workflow because
it ensures that the client is getting what was designed, the blueprint is updated to
match reality, and it allows Olsson to catch errors at the job site before they
cause problems. Project ZeroDelta is in its 2nd year in Design Studio. The goal of
the project is to algorithmically compare and classify points that are not the same
between the 3D models and their real-world, or point cloud, scan counterparts.
This year, the team rewrote the algorithm that detects differences for increased
accuracy. The team also built out a web viewer where Olsson uploads models and
sees the results of the comparison. Lastly, the team successfully migrated the
project from only running on a local computer to running on cloud infrastructure.
This final piece was vital to making the program fast enough to reasonably be
implemented at Olsson. There is still more that can be done in the future.
However, Project ZeroDelta in its current state helps Olsson engineers to save
time in their data comparison process.
