International Coalition for Multilingual Education and Equity (ICMEE)


Document Type

Learning Object

Date of this Version



International Coalition for Multilingual Education and Equity (ICMEE)


Copyright 2020 University of Nebraska. Licensed for free educational re-use.


These packets are self-contained. Everything a child will need to be successful with the activities is provided in the packet. Students will only need a writing utensil. Additional tools like crayons or scissors can be used, but do not have to be.

My Plan for the Week

Day 1 • Design and name your buddy • Seasons in Nebraska • Read and Write Spring Worksheet • Seasons vocabulary cards • Math: Count the caterpillars • Read Spring, Spring, What Do You See?

Day 2 •Check the weather and dress your buddy • Draw a picture of Spring • Animal vocabulary cards • Math: Connect the dots and count • Read Spring, Spring, What Do You See?

Day 3 • Check the weather and dress your buddy • Today it is_________. • Neighborhood Walk • Math: Count the caterpillars • Read Spring, Spring, What Do You See?

Day 4 • Check the weather and dress your buddy • Play Go Fish with vocabulary cards • Math: Connect the dots and count • Read Spring, Spring, What Do You See?

Day 5 • Check the weather and dress your buddy • Play Memory with vocabulary cards • Math: Connect the dots and count • Sort the Clothes • Read Spring, Spring, What Do You See?
