International Coalition for Multilingual Education and Equity (ICMEE)
Document Type
Learning Object
Date of this Version
International Consortium for Multilingual Excellence in Education (ICMEE)
Introduction letter available in English and Spanish.
Day 1 • Design and name your Buddy, Check the weather, Weekly words - feelings and shapes, Let's move, Letter of the day - M
Day 2 • Check the weather, Feelings, Shapes around the house, Letter of the day - N
Day 3 • Check the weather, Matching feelings, Feelings change, Calm down yoga, Ordering objects, Letter of the day - O
Day 4 • Check the weather, Helping others feel better, Nouns, Sides and corners, Letter of the day - P
Day 5 • Check the weather, Sorting shapes, My weekly assignments, Letter of the day - Q, Dictionary page
Included in
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Instructional Media Design Commons
Copyright 2020, University of Nebraska. Licensed for free educational re-use.