"INTSORMIL and CARE Join Hands to Promote Sorghum Production and Utili" by INTSORMIL

International Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Support Program (INTSORMIL CRSP)




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INTSORMIL Impact (July 25, 2008)


An agreement between CARE International and INTSORMIL was signed in San Salvador on May 27, 2008. The 24 month agreement signed by Ms Ligia Elizabeth Alvarenga, CARE El Salvador and René Clara Valencia, INTSORMIL Regional Coordinator for Central America, promotes collaboration in the Pilot Phase of PRONORTE, an initiative oriented toward the development of improved dairy production technologies in the Northern Region of El Salvador. Under this memorandum CARE and INTSORMIL agree to:

1st- Join efforts to benefi t small and medium sized dairy producers in the Department of Morazan, El Salvador.

2nd- CARE and INTSORMIL will provide inputs to improve dairy farms. CARE will provide economic support and technical assistance and INTSORMIL will provide sorghum genetic materials and training to improve farming systems and sorghum grain and forage production.

Activities included under this agreement are:

• Evaluation of improved sorghum varieties

• Transfer of seed of improved forage sorghum varieties to farmers

• Development of alternative uses for sorghum grain
