International Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Support Program (INTSORMIL CRSP)




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INTSORMIL Report No. 18, June 1, 2008


In the southern Africa region there is significant interest in using sorghum in the manufacture of value added food products. However, for sorghum to be commercially successful, quality grain at an affordable price must be available. Zambian food processing companies cannot consistently acquire sufficient quantities of high quality sorghum for processing. Market channels need to be improved so that sorghum varieties with the required quality to meet commercial consumer requirements are produced and supplied consistently. A strong need exists for strengthening the system of production, post–harvest handling and storage, marketing, and processing for human food and livestock feed. To meet these needs, INTSORMIL is collaborating with the Zambia Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI) which has a major role in crop diversification in Zambia.

To raise the status of the sorghum crop, ZARI/INTSORMIL, Zambia Breweries, Golden Valley Agricultural Research Trust (GART), Care International and other stakeholders embarked on a collaborative commercialization project in Kazungula District that is traditionally a sorghum growing area. Drought is common and the district often depends on food relief from the central government. A market survey indicated a big market potential for sorghum estimated at 11,000 metric tons. Thus, a market driven scaled up sorghum production project with the following objectives was established:

• Identify & Quantify Market Demand

• Establish a Market for Sorghum (Local and Export)

• Promote Sorghum Production & Consumption

• Ensure Food Security

• Drought Management

• Increase Income and Profitability of Farmers

• Create Sustainable Micro Enterprises (Value Added)
