International Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Support Program (INTSORMIL CRSP)


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On behalf of the INTSORMIL Board of Directors, Principal Investigators and the Management Entity Office, it gives me great pleasure this moming to welcome you to this opening session of the 1991 INTSORMIL International SorghumIMlllet CRSP Conference.

INTSORMIL initiated the Biennial CRSP conference series in 1983. Attendance has grown with each meeting. Today we have 199 persons registered from 12 States in the U.S. and 27 different countries. There are representatives from three International Agricultural Research Centers (lCRISAT, IFPRI, and ICRISAT), four private seed companies and the U.S. National Grain Sorghum Producers Association (NGSPA).

I look around this audience and see new faces and old friends. I see senior sorghum and millet scientists from Africa and ICRISAT. I see senior NARS administrators who value the collaborative research relationship between INTSORM IL and their staff. I see graduate students from around the world. I see INTSORMIL graduates who have accepted major administrative responsibilities in the NARS of their home countries. I see the cream of the crop of developed and developing world sorghum and millet science. We have come to share our ideas and concepts about how to make further contributions to resolution of hunger and poverty In those developing countries where sorghum and millet are major food grain crops.
