International Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Support Program (INTSORMIL CRSP)


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INTSORMIL, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, October 2010.


PDF of slides.


Contains statistics about sorghum growing in the United States and world wide, with a focus on Nebraska.

Grain sorghum is an important crop worldwide, but has become a minor crop in Nebraska

Largely replaced by maize and soybean as major commodity crops

Small investment in research in both private and public sectors

Yield has increased more slowly for grain sorghum than for other crops

Modern maize hybrids and soybean varieties have increased stress tolerance, thus reducing this advantage of grain sorghum

Management is easier for corn and soybean than for sorghum – particularly weed control

Grain sorghum has lower cost of production than corn

Primary sorghum markets are more limited than for corn

Livestock feed (by relative feed value approximately 95% of maize; domestic/export)

Grain ethanol
