Journalism and Mass Communications, College of


Document Type


Date of this Version

Fall 2011


Published in Adnews Fall 2011, pp. 1, 11. Published by ASSOCIATION FOR EDUCATION IN JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION


Attending the annual AEJMC conference always signifies the end of the summer and the beginning of a new academic year. Every August, I look forward to learning about cutting-edge research, the latest news from the industry, innovative teaching ideas, and of course connecting with friends and colleagues. As programming chair last year, I had the privilege to represent one of the most vibrant AEJMC interest groups and to look behind the scenes of what it takes to organize and stage a conference with 2,192 delegates, 355 sessions, and a record of 896 papers. The ad division contributed 113 papers with an acceptance rate of 48.7 percent, which were presented in four research panel presentations, two poster sessions, and one high-­density research session. In addition, we had five co-­sponsored panel discussions and, of course, our highly popular full-­day pre-­conference teaching workshop.
