Law, College of
Date of this Version
This bibliography lists faculty scholarship from 2014-2018. It updates A Bibliography of University of Nebraska College of Law Faculty Scholarship 1892–2013. This bibliography includes publications from law, law library, and law clinical faculty. It also includes assistant deans, faculty with courtesy appointments at the College of Law, and visiting faculty teaching at the College of Law for three or more years. Although we did not include the scholarship of faculty who visited for less than three years or adjunct faculty, we did include a list of those faculty members for historical purposes.
Bibliography of Law Faculty Scholarship, 2014-2018
Corrections to earlier edition
Law College Faculty Granted Emeritus Status, 2014-2018
Law College Faculty Who Left the College of Law, 2014-2018
Law College Adjunct and Visiting Faculty, 2014-2018
Update to "A Bibliography of University of Nebraska College of Law Faculty Scholarship 1892-2013" by Marcia L. Dority Baker and Stefanie S. Pearlman (