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Alemna, A. A. and Armah, A. L. (2007). Provision of Library and Information Services to the Visually Challenged Students in Ghana’s Public Universities. (Unpublished)

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Visually Challenged students (VCS) in University of Ghana, Legon face various constraints in accessing library and information services. The study was based on Ranganathan’s five principles of librarianship. Literature was reviewed on provision and access to library and information services. The researcher adopted case study, since the sample size was small they were all included in the study. Descriptive data analysis technique was used to analyze data. Tables and graphs were used to display information. Findings of the study indicated that there is no program for VCS, they were aware of technological developments in information communication technologies (ICT), access to information and library services was not in existence. It was recommended that the library and the University should make a conscious effortto upgrade it services to meet theacademic needs of VCS.
