Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The study investigates organizational culture variables as factors influencing librarians’ turnover intentions in university libraries in South-South and South-East of Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Total enumeration method was used since the population comprising 400 academic librarians in the two geopolitical zones were considered appropriate for the study. A test-retest of the measuring instrument was done using Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient and face validity. The result of the reliability test was 0.85 at 0.05 level of confidence. From the total copies of questionnaire that were administered and retrieved, 334 were found usable given a return rate of 83.5%. Results were analysed using percentage, mean and standard deviation. The result revealed that imbibing positive organizational culture in the university libraries in the areas of training, promotion, payment of salaries and rewarding deserving librarians have the potential of reducing turnover intentions. This study further showed a relationship between organizational culture and turnover intentions of librarians in university libraries in South-South and South-East of Nigeria (R = 0.-344, p < 0.05), which means that the higher the level of organizational culture, the lower the level of turnover intentions of academic librarians in South-South and South-East of Nigeria. The study concludes that turnover intention of librarians is a trend that needs some determining effort and measure to curb it. Since employees’ engagement level is likely to be affected by unfavourable organizational culture, their welfare should be paramount. Libraries should formulate policies and culture that are inclusive of training, promotion, payment of salaries and rewarding of librarians to reduce turnover intentions.
