Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 8-8-2018

Document Type



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Research into the phenomenon of turnover intentions of employees and its effects on organizational development is crucial; hence this study investigated the effects of library infrastructure on turnover intentions of librarians in university libraries in South-South and South-East of Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey using total enumeration method with 400 academic librarians from the two zones in participation. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire which was subjected to a reliability test using Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient with a result of 0.72, which means that the instrument was good and reliable since the test result is above the acceptance point of 0.50. All the questionnaires administered on the respondents were retrieved with 334 of the questionnaires found usable for the analysis. Findings revealed that inadequate infrastructure have the tendency of increasing the turnover intentions of librarians in the university libraries in South-South and South East of Nigeria (X = 3.03); while advancement in library infrastructure enhances professional development and increase the chance of retaining librarians in the library (X = 3.05). Evidence from the study indicated that a higher deficiency in library infrastructure will increase the level of turnover intentions of librarians in the university libraries in South-South and South-East of Nigeria. The study recommended that the university librarians and university managements in South-south and South-east of Nigeria should holistically assess their library infrastructure with a view of ascertaining their state and make available budgetary allocation that will take care of dilapidated library infrastructure to mitigate the effects of turnover intentions of librarians in university libraries in South-South and South-East of Nigeria.
