Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The study investigated the influence of Electronic Information Resources utilization on academic performance of HND students of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri. The research was descriptive in design and adopted the quantitative survey method using questionnaire as instrument for data collection. The population of the study was 385 students which comprised 202 students in HND 1 and 183 in HND 2 in the Department of Library and Information Science. The entire population was used for the study due to the manageable size. The data was analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The findings revealed that the HND students used Electronic Information Resources (EIR) daily for academic purposes such as helping them in completing their assignment and seminar papers. A greater number of the respondents attested to the fact that the use of EIR influence their performance in seminar writing and presentation positively with a mean score of 2.77 which is above the decision rule of 2.5. Electronic books (e-books) were found to be the resource mostly available for the students’ academic consumption. The study identified epileptic power supply and the cost of access as the main challenges faced by the students in the use of EIR. Constant provision of electric power and reduction in the cost of accessing the Internet, were therefore, suggested as the possible solutions to the identified problems in the students’ use of EIR.
