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Winter 11-27-2018

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This research aims to analyze information literacy skill of Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA) (Indonesian Language for Foreign Student) at Universitas Indonesia in accordance with their foreign language learning need, Bahasa. BIPA students are foreign students who study Indonesian language as their foreign language or it can be called as Indonesian as Foreign Language (IFL). Most existing researches discuss English as foreign language/second language (EFL/ESL), but no research on information literacy related to Indonesian as foreign language/second language. Therefore, this research is going to fill the gap between the previously conducted researches on information literacy related to language skill. This research can also be used as a reference for information literacy research with speakers of other languages. Information literacy skill of BIPA students will be analyzed using Big6, consisting of problem defining stage, information finding strategy, location and access, information use, synthesis and evaluation. This research is using qualitative approach with case study method. The result of this study shows that international students of BIPA program conducted process of information literacy without their realizing it directly. The process occurs due to information needs that come from the cognitive and affective needs of informants as international students, not from learning activities. The information literacy skill of BIPA students also influenced by the length of stay in Indonesia.
