Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 1-9-2019

Document Type



  1. KC, Narasappa. (2018). Availability and Use of Information Resources and Services by Teachers of Pre-University Colleges in Shivamogga District: A Study, Library Philosophy and Practice (e-Journal), 2101.
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  9. Mudawi, M. S. E. (2005). The Use of the Internet and E-mail among Sudanese Librarians: A Survey Report. Library Review, 54(6), 355–365.


The purpose of this study was to examine the factors influencing the usage of the internet by the Bangalore University affiliated colleges’ faculty members and students for academic purposes. In this study tests the research framework using structural equation modelling. 167 faculty and 733 students from college libraries participated in this study. The findings of this study suggest that the attitude and perceived usefulness of the Internet significantly influence the behavioural intention of the users on using the internet for the general purposes. Again the study revealed that the perceived usefulness of the Internet is significantly influenced by the perceived ease of using the Internet. The results of this study will be useful for the college authority to enhance the internet sources and services within the campus as well as outside the campus for its effective and efficient use for academic purposes by the students and faculty members.
