Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 4-1-2019

Document Type



1. Ani, O. E., Edem, M. B., & Ottong, E. J. (2010). Analysis of Internet Access and Use by Academic Staff at the University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria. Library Management, 31(7), 535–545.

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3. accessed on (26.3.2019)

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5. Surendra Babu, K, Sarada and Ramaiah, C K (2010), Use of Internet Resources in the SV University Digital Library, DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology, 30(1), 26-31.

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9. Kishore Kumar, S & Naik, Lokesha. (2015). Use of E-Resources by Faculty: A Survey of First Grade College Libraries in Bangalore. In P. A. Asundi (Ed.), International Conference on Paradigms of Digital Library, E-Resources, Open Access and Information and Media Literacy (pp. 185–190). KSCLA Bangalore

10. Kishore Kumar, S & Naik, Lokesha. (2015). Electronic Information Resources Utilization by Postgraduate Students of Bangalore University Constituent Colleges. International Journal of Library and Information Studies, 5(3), 29–34.

11. Kishore Kumar, S & Naik, Lokesha. (2016). Availability of ICT Infrastructure and Its Use in Nursing College Libraries Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore : A Study. PEARL- A Journal of Library and Information Science, 10(4), 234–241.

12. Kishore Kumar, S & Naik, Lokesha. (2015). Usage of Wi-Fi Service among Users’ of Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute Library, Bangalore. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 5(6), 421–423.

13. Padma, P and Rangaswamy. (2014) Internet usage pattern of engineering students: A study of two engineering colleges in Divagangai district, Tamilnadu state (India) International Journals of Digital Library Services, 4 (3),104-114

14. Geetha, M & Mamatha, K.R. & Farhana, Farhana. (2013). Use of Library Portal by Research Scholars and Faculty Members at Kuvempu University: A Survey. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology. 33. 509-515. 10.14429/djlit.33.5483.


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The purpose of the study is to investigate the why users need Internet in college Libraries. For the concern of this the investigator has made a study on the use of the Internet by the students and faculty members of the colleges’ libraries in Karnataka, India. The main objective is to find out the use of the Internet, analyse the use of the Internet in relation to other information sources and how they perceive the advantages of Internet and problems for accessing them. Study results show that the academic community who participated in this survey are aware of the Internet. Even though a Majority of the respondents are using the internet for general information, e-mail, finding relevant information, writing research articles and for searching, jobs and Majority of the respondents visited 618 (68.67%) stated that their college has an independent website and whereas 282 (31.33%) of respondents are not visited college website. Highest numbers of users are visiting their college website.
