"Research Publications on Medical Microbiology in Pakistan during the p" by Ikram Ul Haq, Gulnaz Elahi et al.

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Haq, I. U., Elahi, G. & Dana, I., (2019). Research Publications on Medical Microbiology in Pakistan during the period 2013-2017.


Aim: Research publications have been increasing all around the world in every field of knowledge including medical microbiology. The attempt has been made in this paper to describe the growth of medical microbiology research in Pakistan published from 2013 to 2017.

Methodology: Publications on medical microbiology with authorship to Pakistan indexed in the PubMed database were searched. The bibliographical citations of retrieved data were downloaded to examine the year-wise growth, authorship patterns, subject-wise distributions, institutional and country affiliation of the principal author. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet was used for data analysis.

Results: Three hundred and thirty-three documents with an average of 66.6 articles per year published from Pakistan during the projected period. Majority of papers (n=30; 9%) were written on the topic of epidemiology related to medical microbiology. Five-author pattern found to be the preferred collaboration trend. The evaluation of leading author affiliation revealed that 202 papers (60.6%) produced by Pakistani authors, while in remaining 131 (39.3%) papers, the principal authors belonged to 29 different countries of the world. Aga Khan University found a most productive institution with 35 papers. Targeted publications published in 175 different journals of the world, the highest number of articles (n=24; 7.21%) published in Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences.

Conclusion: High tech research has a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of citizens. The analysis of research publications is important to scale to assess the productivity of a specific field of knowledge. Saudi Arabian researchers are striving well to achieve excellence in dental research by delivering quality education and provision of oral health care services to local community.
