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Bansal, A. (2013). DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology: A Bibliometric Analysis. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 33(5), 412-417.

Bansal, A. (2014). DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information technology: A Bibliometric analysis. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information technology, 33(5), 412-417. doi:

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Ganganna, C. (2017) A bibliometric analysis of the Journal of Academic Librarianship for the period of 2012-2016. International Journal of Library and Information Studies, 7(3)

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Library Philosophy and practice website (2019)

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Verma, Manoj Kumar; Yadav, Sunil Kumar; and Singh, S N. (2018) Research Publication Pattern of Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal): A Bibliometric Analysis during 2008-2017" (2018). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 1836.

Verma, Anjali; Sonkar, Sharad Kumar; and Gupta, Vibha (2015) A Bibliometric Study of The Library Philosophy And Practice (E-Journal) For The Period 2005-2014. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 1292.


The present study is based on the Bibliometrics analysis of the articles published in Library Philosophy and Practice (E-Journal) for the period 2014–2018. During this period, a total of 1046 scholarly papers have been published by LIS researchers around the world. The study analyzes the documents based on various bibliometric aspects like year wise contribution of articles, year wise growth of publication, average publication per author, subject wise distribution of articles, the geographical distribution of articles, authorship pattern, author productivity, degree of collaboration, reference distribution pattern and length of reference distribution. In all with an average 209.2 articles were published each year and the highest numbers (421) of articles were published in 2018. From the 35 of the world contributed countries Nigeria is in top rank with 36.33% contributions. Two authorship is leading authorship trend, and also Multi-Authored has shown the unique number of contribution with the 0. 71 rates of the degree of collaboration.
