Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 3-19-2019

Document Type



The purpose of this study is to examine the use and perception of E-Resources by the College Students in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The present study is descriptive survey method and covers 120 students were randomly selected. Data were collected using questionnaire. The questionnaire discusses their socio-demographic information, find out that Statistical Package Social Sciences (SPSS). The researcher has used MS Excel and MS Word to create and format tables required for the study. Therefore one fourth of the male and female students visit the library daily, 25% of the respondents spend 1-2 hours for using the college library per day, 55% of the respondents the gender -wise female respondents visit the college library, 37.6% of the respondents learn internet skills by trial & error method/ self-instruction, 33.33% of the married and unmarried respondents are highly satisfied of using college internet services, 35 (29%) respondents are highly satisfied with use of e-journals, 48.34% majority of the respondents search for the articles by keyword wise in the in college libraries, 26.67% of the rural and urban respondents time spend an hour for accessing e- resources , 29.2% of the respondents use Google for search information from internet, 48.33% majority of the respondents faced main problems for using E-resources is slow speed of systems.
