Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 5-16-2019

Document Type



  1. Olajide, O., &Adio, G. (2017). Effective utilisation of university library resources by undergraduate students: a case study of Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice.
  2. Ranganathan, S., & Babu, K. S. (2012).Awareness and use of library information resources and services in Osmania University, Hyderabad. International Journal of Library and Information Studies, 2(3), 42-54.
  4. Khan, J. (2016). Awareness and use of digital resources and services in the IIT Delhi Library. International Journal of Research-GRANTHAALAYAN, 4(6).
  5. Otulugbu, D. (2017). Awareness and use of online information sources among University of Ibadan Students. International Journal of Library Science, 6(2), 37-41.
  6. Ranganathan, S., & Babu, K. S. (2012). Awareness and use of library information resources and services in Osmania University, Hyderabad. International Journal of Library and Information Studies, 2(3), 42-54.
  7. Rehman, S., & Ramzy, V. (2004). Awareness and use of electronic information resources at the health sciences center of Kuwait University. Library Review, 53(3), 150-156.
  8. Kumar, B. T., & Kumar, G. T. (2008). Use of electronic information sources by the academic community: a comparative study.


The main purpose of the study and use of Library resources and Services of Information. The researcher prepared questionnaire with 13 questions to be answered by the respondents about the level and Use of Library Resources and services of the 100 Questionnaries distributed 90 taken for the analysis 65.55% the respondents belong to Female category, 42.22% of the respondents belong to the age group of 26 – 30, 40.00% of respondents belong to the category of Ph.D scholars, 43.33% of respondents belong to the rural area, 42.22% of respondents belong to the Access at Library, 33.33% of respondents belong to the Daily time spent, 22.22% of respondents belong to the purpose of Consult materials for research, 38.88% of respondents belong to the Theses/Dissertations, 23.33% of Respondents belong to the reference services, 32.22% of Respondents belong to theUtilization of Index and abstract, 36.66% of Respondents belong to the Insufficient Internet Access points, 41.11% of Respondents belong to theHighly satisfied.
