Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 4-1-2019

Document Type



Diyaolu, A.M (2019). The role of competitive intelligence in provision of quality Information services. Library Philosophy and Practice.


Competitive intelligence CI is the purposeful and coordinated monitoring competitor(s), wherever and whoever they may be, within a specific work or service delivery. Meanwhile, "competitors" are those firms considered as rivals or counterpart in business, and with whom competition is likely.

It is on this light and through review of related texts, that this paper looked at the followings subheadings of the paper:

  1. The Overview of Competitive intelligence
  2. The role of information professionals in quality service delivery;
  3. The relevance of competitive intelligence to information services;

However, suggestions were made on the use of competitive intelligence for the purpose of information service delivery in library and information services centres.
