Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Dey, K., & Mondal, P. (n.d.). Privacy Awareness among the Academic Social Network Users. Library Philosophy and Practice.


The study aims to find out the level of privacy awareness among the users of the Academic Social Networks (ASNs). To accomplish the study some relevant literatures were studied and an online survey was conducted. The study showed that most of the academicians were not aware of their online privacy. The study was conducted on the basis of responses collected from 457 respondents only. Depending on the findings of the online survey a framework of guidelines was proposed for the social media service providers and the academicians to ensure better online privacy and thus promote the trustworthiness of the ASNS. There are very few studies available on the ASNs and till now no studies have been conducted to gauge the privacy awareness of the ASN users. This study not only measured privacy awareness of the users but also suggested some guidelines for the ASN service providers and users to maintain better privacy and data security.
