"Libraries as Indispensable Force for Access to Information and Sustain" by Elizabeth Bukunola Lateef E.B.L, Ezekiel Olugbenga Adeyi E.O.A et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Libraries as Indispensable Force for Access to Information and Sustainable National Development

Date of this Version

Summer 4-11-2019

Document Type




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The paper focus on the place of the library in providing access to information resources that will facilitate the attainment of sustainable development goal SDGs. The 17 point agenda adapted by United Nation in 2019 to be attained by 2030. The concept of Sustainable Development was carefully discussed. Nigeria peculiar situation as regards SDGs was critically examined with emphasis on the agreement between Senior Special Assistant to the President on SDGs (OSSAP-SDGs) and the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), to train graduating youths to become SDGs champions in the local communities and areas of national service they are deployed to upon graduation. Lack of awareness and inadequate sensitization of the public on the SDGs was the major challenge identified to the attainment of the SDGs in many countries including Nigeria. Libraries were seen as among the most important custodian of information. They have been identified as one of the key elements for open access to information, which is crucial to national development. Hence, there are various kind of library to cater for the information needs of different categories of people in the society. They must therefore be well equipped and financed if their resources are to be up-to-date and made available to everybody in the society. This can only be made possible with the support of governments, agencies, and institutions.

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