"Information Literacy and Life Long Learning: The Role of School Librar" by Elizabeth Bukunola Lateef Mrs, Ezekiel Olugbenga Adeyi Mr et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Information Literacy and Life Long Learning: The Role of School Librarians

Date of this Version

Fall 7-1-2019

Document Type




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This paper conceptualizes literacy and learning as a continuum that requires appropriate placement, attitude and adjustment that should be initiated and instilled from elementary stage of learning with emphasis on the role of the school librarians. Base on the overview obtained from scholarly publications, a relationship among information literacy, lifelong learning and school librarian was established and reviewed. The paper also posited three examples of creative and innovative programmes that the School Librarians could introduce in order to foster information literacy for lifelong learning. The paper concludes on school librarians adopting information literacy as the subject they should be teaching in schools right from primary classes through to secondary schools so that the students would not have to start learning the skills later in life when it would be more difficult to learn information literacy and imbibe the culture of lifelong learning. This paper recommends amongst others that the school librarians align themselves with the dictates of IFLA guidelines on School Libraries, re-invent themselves for relevance and enhanced visibility, and take up the responsibility of building an information literate society which is the foundation on which lifelong learning is built.

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