"Information Sharing Behavior among Parents of Children With Autism S" by fitri mutia and ragil Tri Atmi

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The information needs of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be fulfilled optimally when their family give great attention in educating and caring for them. Families especially parents, is the first and important person that encourage the growth and development of their children whether physical, psychological, mentally, communication, personality and emotional. This study aim to describe about information sharing behavior among parents of children with ASD and determine the factors that encourage and inhibit the occurrence of information sharing behavior among ASD parents. This study used a qualitative approach, choosing informant by snowball technique to determine key informants from Autism Awareness Advocacy (ASA) community members which exist in Surabaya Indonesia. By interviewing seven informant, the result show that information sharing behavior among parents of children with ASD has two typology, namely passive behavior and active behavior.

Information sharing behavior activity among ASD children could be examine by using Homan’s Social Exchange Theory (SET), by realized through three SET propositions which are successful, value and approval-aggression, and two new proposition which found in this study, technology and productivity. On the other hand, there are external factors that affect information sharing behavior success such as reward, trusts, and family support, and internal factor such as anger, satisfaction, and self efficacy. This research provide benefits for parents of children with ASD especially members of the ASA community by sharing information and to increase the independence of their ASD children. Besides that, parents could expand the possibilities for the realization of the factors that suporting the sharing information activity, so the success of their children to interact in society would increasingly widespread.
