Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Research in university library is very important as a means of improving the quality of the library. There are relations of social networks that can facilitate the communication traffic between the librarians, who can create knowledge sharing behavior as a strategy or way used for a library purpose. This study aims to analyze the dimensions of Social Capital Theory (structural, relational, and cognitive) which use case study in qualitative approach. The number of informants in this study were 7 librarians, and data analysis technique based on the theoretical framework in order to discuss new findings in library setting. The result shows 4 difference of librarians behavior, which are optimistic cognitive behavior, defensive affective behavior, pessimistic affective behavior, and pessimistic cognitive behavior. Fourth behavioral differences arise from the attitude of librarians in assessing the activities of knowledge sharing. Librarians who have good intention, positive reinforcement, aware of the importance to foster ideas and innovation for the library through the knowledge sharing, behaves as an optimistic cognitive librarian. For who have no intention that grows within itself in the activities of knowledge sharing, because they feel less agree with these materials or a series of activities carried out in these activities, reluctant to convey his ideas to be share, categorized as librarian with defensive affective behavior. If librarian have intention, positive support in the form of interest, but less aware and optimal in cultivating ideas and innovation for the library through the knowledge sharing, is a librarian who behaves pessimistic affective. While librarians who have no intention and less aware of the importance of ideas and innovation in the knowledge sharing activities is a librarian who behaves pessimistic cognitive.
