Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



Barhoumi C, (2017) "Analysis of technological, individual and community factors influencing the use of popular Web 2.0 tools in LIS education", The Electronic Library, Vol. 35 Issue: 5, pp.977-993,

Catharine RB, (2013) "Educational use of smart phone technology: A survey of mobile phone application use by undergraduate university students", Program, Vol. 47 Issue: 4, pp.424-436,

Diliberto-Macalusco K; Hughes A, (2016), The Use of Mobile Apps to Enhance Student Learning in Introduction to Psychology Article, Teaching of Psychology, Vol 43, Issue: 1, pp.48-52, DOI.10.1177/0098628315620880

Dukic Z, Chiu DKW, Lo P, (2015) "How useful are smartphones for learning? Perceptions and practices of Library and Information Science students from Hong Kong and Japan", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 33 Issue: 4, pp.545-561,

El Massah SS, (2018) "Addressing free riders in collaborative group work: The use of mobile application in higher education", International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 32 Issue: 7, pp.1223-1244,

Fernandez S, (2018), University Student’s Perspectives on Using Cell Phones in Classrooms - Are They Dialing up Disaster?, TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, volume 17, issue 1

Ford N, Bowden M, Beard J, (2011), Learning together: using social media to foster collaboration in higher education, in Laura A. Wankel, Charles Wankel (ed.)

Higher Education Administration with Social Media (Cutting-edge Technologies in Higher Education, Volume 2) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.105 - 126

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Ko EHT, Chiu DKW, Lo P, Ho KKW, (2015) Comparative study on m-learning usage among LIS students from Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan, Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 41, Issue: 5, pp. 256-277, DOI: 10.1016/j.acalib.2015.07.005

Krueger S, (2018) LIS students at a Japanese university use smartphones for social communication more often than educational purposes, Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, Vol. 13, Issue: 3, pp. 97-99, DOI: 10.18438/eblip29412

Lau KP, Chiu DKW, Ho KKW, See-To EWK, (2017) Educational usage of mobile devices: differences between postgraduate and undergraduate students, Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 43, Issue: 3, pp. 201-208, DOI: 10.1016/j.acalib.2017.03.004

Lo P, Cho A, Leung M, Chiu DKW, Ko EHT, Ho KKW, (2016) "Use of smartphones by art and design students for accessing library services and learning", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 34 Issue: 2, pp.224-238,

Malhotra DK, Bansal S (2017) "Magnetism of WhatsApp among veterinary students", The Electronic Library, Vol. 35 Issue: 6, pp.1259-1267,

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Vassilakaki E, Moniarou-Papaconstantinou V, Garoufallou E, (2016) "Identifying the uses of mobile technology among Library and Information Science undergraduate students", Program, Vol. 50 Issue: 4, pp.417-430,

Wickramanayake L, Jika SM, (2018) "Social media use by undergraduate students of education in Nigeria: a survey", The Electronic Library, Vol. 36 Issue: 1, pp.21-37,


This study intends to explore the use of mobile applications used by library diploma students, Universitas Airlangga in supporting their learning process. In this study, the 132 respondents were first, second, and third year of library diploma students who were willing to fill out questionnaires, taken from 200 active library diploma students. Online questionnaires were distributed for 2 weeks in February 2019, where students filled out online closed-ended questionnaires. The researcher also conducted in-depth interviews with several students to explore further data. There are 6 questions given, namely the type of smartphone used, the amount of memory and storage on the smartphone, the number of installed applications, applications that help in lectures, and application functions in supporting lectures.The most widely used applications are those which enable them to share information, communicate, and collaborate. Information sharing in the form of documents, videos, images, and text is mostly done by students through Whatsapp, Line, and Gmail. The mobile facebook application is used by students and students use this facebook group to monitor the tasks and information from lecturers and the department administrators. Mobile applications that are widely downloaded are translate applications and dictionaries; there are 3 applications that are commonly downloaded by students, namely Google translate, Kamusku, and KBBI (Indonesian Dictionary).
