"Public Library Innovation to Engage Users: A Case Study of Pusmintali" by Nove Anna and Yoga Setya Perdana

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Public library is the center of information resources that has a major role in community information literacy activities. The Gresik City Library has innovations to bring information closer to the public with a Pusmintali Service (Mini Library in Wali City) which is located in the public bus stop of Gresik region. This paper aims to explore the user's response to the existence of Pusmintali. The survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires to people who had used Pusmintali. The results of this study include, among other things, the community strongly supports Pusmintali services in the Gresik region. But some of them feel that there was still a lack of attention from the library in maintaining and developing book collections and its facilities.
