Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Document Type
Arrighetti J, (2001) The challenge of unattended children in the public library, Reference Services Review, Vol. 29, Iss. 1, pp. 65-71, DOI:10.1108/00907320110366831
Bhatt R, (2010), the impact of public library use on reading, television, and academic outcomes, Journal of Urban Economics, Volume 68, Issue 2, pp. 148-166, DOI:
Cassell KA, Walther JH, (2006) "Supporting children and teens after school: a library approach", The Bottom Line, Vol. 19 Issue: 1, pp.16-21,
Chandrasekar K, Sivathaasan N, (2016) "Children’s section of the Jaffna Public Library: user satisfaction survey", Library Review, Vol. 65 Issue: 1/2, pp.108-119,
Chen P, Rea C, Shaw R, Bottino CJ, (2016), Associations between public librray use and reading aloud among families with young children, The Journal of Pediatric, Volume 173, pp.221-227, DOI:
Creel S,(2014), Interface Design: The Impact of Images and Catalog Organization on the Information Retrieval of Children Ages Five to Eight While Subject Browsing, in Dania Bilal, Jamshid Beheshti (ed.) New Directions in Children’s and Adolescents’ Information Behavior Research (Library and Information Science, Volume 10) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.265 - 293
Galluzzi A, (2011) "Cities as long tails of the physical world: a challenge for public libraries", Library Management, Vol. 32 Issue: 4/5, pp.319-335,
Niedzwiedzka B, (2003) A proposed general model of information behaviour, Information Research, Volume 9, Number 1,
North S, (2000) "A Place for Children: Public Libraries as a Major Force in Children’s Reading", Library Management, Vol. 21 Issue: 5, pp.271-278,
Overgaard L, (2017) Playing, creating, learning: the future public library for children and families, The end of wisdom? the future of libraries in a digital age, pp 145-151, DOI:
Peng YP, (2019), A competency model of children’s librarians in public libraries, Library Quarterly, Volume 89, Issue 2, pp 99-115, DOI: 10.1086/702194
Pratt ME, Taylor M, Lauren van Huisstede ,, Larissa M. Gaias ,(2016), A Novel Take on Family Involvement: Public Libraries as Early Education for the Whole Family, in John A. Sutterby (ed.) Family Involvement in Early Education and Child Care (Advances in Early Education And Day Care, Volume 20) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.67 - 89
Rankin C, (2018) IFLA Guidelines for Library Services to children age 0-18, 2nd Edition, accessed online at (10 April 2019).
Shepherd J, Petrillo L, Wilson A, (2018) "Settling in: how newcomers use a public library", Library Management, Vol. 39 Issue: 8/9, pp.583-596,
Wilson TD, (2009) Models in information behaviour research, Journal of Documentation, Volume 55, No 3, DOI: DOI: 10.1108/EUM0000000007145
Wu Y, (2019) Preschool children’s preferences for library activities: laddering interviews in Chinese public libraries, Library and Information Science Research, DOI:
This research’s objective is to describe the factors that influence children while using a public library in Indonesia and Taiwan. In this context researchers will look at five factors (1) psychological variable, (2) demographics variable, (3) role-related variable, (4) environmental variable, (5) source characteristics variable. This research uses descriptive approach by gathering data from respondents. The target population in this research were children in Taiwan and Indonesia. The number of samples is considered to be the same, with 100 children in Taiwan and 100 children in Indonesia, aged 7-12 years old. Of the total respondents, 65% were women and 35% were men, the number was the same among respondents in Taichung and in Surabaya. The majority of respondents are aged 9 and 12 years, as much as 43% in Indonesia, while in Taiwan it is the 10-11 years old age group, with 46% respondents. From the results of the research it can be concluded that the factors that encourage children to take advantage of public libraries include psychological factors in which children in Indonesia and Taiwan both want to increase their cognitive capacity through sources of information provided in the library, there are interesting findings that Taiwanese children are not affected by the distance of the library away from home. The library remains a place worth visiting on weekends,