Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



Faiz Ahmed, Dr. M. Waseem Zia (2019). Possible use of web 3.0 in websites of libraries of academic institutions of pakistan. Library philosophy and practice.



Since the invention of World Wide Web, the technology has got strong developments. The web of documents has emerged into different databases. This development is a result of three phases of web evolution. The first phase is termed as web 1.0 which was a read only or a one-way communication between user and website. The second phase is termed as web 2.0 which initiated in the start of 2003. This generation provides facility to read and write or two-way communication. Now users are enable to participate in websites. The current and third phase of web i.e. web 3.0, is a concept of intelligent web. This allow user to read, write and execute web. This third generation of web entails an integrated web experience. This will facilitate towards an international data warehouse in which any kind of data can be shared at any network.

This study aims to discuss the concepts of third generation of web related to Library and information science. The study identifies different advantages of ultra-advanced web technology which can be used in websites of libraries of academic institutions of Pakistan.

The study discusses core information about technologies of web 3.0 and its applications in library and information science. The research describes the characteristics of third generation of web, identifies its technologies and then provides brief discussions about the possible applications of web 3.0 in different library websites of academic institutions.

The study identify the powers of intelligent web in order to provide different advanced services such as, use of virtual directories, ontologies, searching and browsing facilities, virtual reference services, social bookmarking etc.
