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Karlinah, S., Bajari, A., Setiawan, W., Kusmayadi, I., M. (2019). Implications of digital health information on therapeutic communication: A case study in Bandung, Indonesia. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), January, 1-18.


(c) 2019 Siti Karlinah


The current phenomenon, patients visiting doctors generally have health information from the internet. So the study aimed to reveal the implications of the patient's health knowledge on the therapeutic communication of the doctor with the patient. This research used an interpretive approach with a case study method. Data collection techniques used interviews with 13 specialist doctors, 66 patients, and three Health Media Online Managers. The study was conducted in the city of Bandung for six months. The results showed that most patients obtained inaccurate health information from the Internet, so the doctor's attitude provides education. The doctor appreciated and supported patients who had accurate health information. The patient's health information from the Internet had positive and negative implications for the doctor-patient therapeutic communication. Positive implications occur because effective therapeutic communication is transactional, in which doctors and patients are equally active as subjects who make joint decisions, especially medical treatment. On the other hand, doctors efficiently provide education, as patients are accommodative. Negative implications occur because patients have inaccurate health information and google too far. The patient makes an incorrect self-diagnosis so that the patient becomes frightened and over-worried. Thus, the therapeutic communication of doctors and overly worried patients become ineffective, making it difficult for doctors to provide education because patients are less accommodative.

Keywords: therapeutic communication, accommodative, credibility, confirmation, implications
