Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Information: A Strategic Resource for Effective decision making and successful Management of the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) System by National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)
This paper was directed towards recognizing information as the most strategic organizational Resource for effective decision-making and successful management of the ODL system provided By NOUN. It identified information as the key asset for goal-oriented managers to plan correctly and accurately to achieve set goals on time. The elements of adequate information processing were enumerated. However, the paper noted some challenges of introducing a holistic adoption of information elements in the management of the ODL by NOUN. Besides, the huge benefits of wholesale utilization of information as the bedrock capital for effective planning were enlisted. The paper concludes by providing the way-forward for NOUN management to attempt, viz, establishment of information unit managed by information professionals to regularly scan the internal and external environments for current data, adequate analysis of collected data and using the outcome for planning, provision of separate budget for information management activities, and so on.