Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Information has become a veritable currency for today's economic environment and efforts are made by every institution to enrich the information ecology for vibrant and sustainable economy. Although the entrant of information and communication technologies had altered and made great impact on information environment in other parts of the world, the situation in Africa is still bleak. Information is created every second and there is upsurge of big data on the information landscape and these developments have not only created a new society called the knowledge society but also brought about information and digital gaps in the society. In Africa access to information even in this new information environment is still poor. Majority of Africans are rural dwellers and they are mostly affected in this information gap syndrome. For an enriched information environment in Africa, there must be a system that will consistently provide information services to this information disadvantage group. Public library has been very close to the people and can contribute or play important role in the sustainable information environment in the rural community.
