Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 1-28-2020

Document Type



This is a study about information needs and seeking behaviour of nurses of private hospitals of Bhubaneswar, Odisha: A comparative study. This study unfolds the information needs and what are the relevant sources of information for nurses of the private hospitals of Bhubaneswar. For this study a well structure questionnaire were distributed among the private hospitals and after the response come the data analysis done in ms-excel sheet. The hospitals are Annapurna hospital, Apex hospital, Apollo hospital, Ayush hospital, Care hospital ,Hi-tech medical college and hospital, Kalinga hospital, KIMS Hospital, Neelachal hospital, Padma hospital, Sparsh hospital, Sum hospital, Utkal hospital, Usthi hospital and research centre, which are the multispecialty hospitals of Bhubaneswar. The study focuses about the nurses of the private hospitals. Nurses are the backbone of medical history so if they are not able to do their duty the medical system will be collapse. All the collected data analysed in simple percentages and tables. In modern society there are various types of resources, e.g. print or e-resources. After the internet it is very much easy to find the relevant information. The study concludes that nowadays nurses are very much aware about information needs and information sources and they find the relevant information very properly.
