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  1. Bonilla-Aldana, D. K., Holguin-Rivera, Y., Cortes-Bonilla, I., Cardona-Trujillo, M. C., García-Barco, A., Bedoya-Arias, H. A.,& Rodriguez-Morales, A. J. (2020). Coronavirus infections reported by ProMED, February 2000–January 2020. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 101575.
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The purpose of present study is to evaluate the growth of scientific literature pertaining to Coronavirus disease 2019(Covid-19). In sum 1630 document published during 01 January 2020 to 6 April, 2020. Publication data were retrieved from SCOPUS databases using key terms and detailed analysis were made to understand the publication trends, authorship and collaborative pattern, country-wise distribution, core journal and most leading institutes. Study found that 82.88% (1351) of the research documents published on open-access platform which signify the rapid communication of research finding among global scientific communities. ‘BMJ Clinical Research Ed’ found to be most productive journal with 114(6.99%) research articles. China & USA dominates in the publishing research output of 515(31.60%) and 308(18.90%) respectively. There has been an unparalleled growth in the number of publications across the globe on COVID-19 since January 2020.
