Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The study evaluated the projects submitted to the library from Chemistry Department, Environmental Science and Toxicology and Physics Department of Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, Delta State. The research method adopted for this study was citation analysis. A total of 348 projects were submitted to the library from departments understudy from 2015-2017. The findings showed that that physics department had the highest number of project reports submitted and highest number of citations while Chemistry department had the lowest number of citations. The study revealed that Internet/ Web Resources had the highest citations with 4446 citations, followed by Journals with 4224 citations, Books had 2699 citations. It was observed from the study that “Highly Recent” citations of 4326 were cited by the three (3) departments from 2013-2017, followed by 2854 citations that were “Very Recent” cited between 2008-2012, among others. Lastly, the study showed that between the year 2015-2017, 7407 citations were made by foreign authors, while 4930 citations were made by Nigerian authors. It was recommended from the study that materials should be built on frequently cited and recent information resources in Chemistry, Environmental and Toxicology Sciences and Physics Departments and current update to date books and journals should be acquired to reduce over reliance on internet/ web resources.
