Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 1-31-2020

Document Type



Bansal, J. (2015). Usage of e-resources among the Agricultural Scientists of Himalayan Region of India. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, 5(2), 143-147.

Bhat, Mohd Iqbal (2017). Familiarity and Use of Electronic Information Sources by B.Ed. College Students of Govt. College of Education, Srinagar J&K. India. International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science 7 (1)

Chhatwal, A. (2018). A bibliometric study of world research output on e-resources during 2006-2016. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, 8(1), 8-13.

Gopinath, S. A. (2017). Perception and Use Electronic Information Resources among the Academic Community: A case study. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, 7(2), 142-145.

Kalbande, D.T (2015). Use of Digital Library Recourses by the Faculty Members: A Case Study. International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science 5(1) 28-38.

Kumar, Rajendra (2016). Use of E-resources by the Medical Students of M.M. University, Ambala: A Case Study. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 36(1), 10-16.

Mahapatra, R. K. (2017). Use of e-Resources among Social Scientists in Selected Institutes in Bhubaneswar: A study. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, 7(2), 102-106.

Melvin, C. J. (2018). Use of e-Resources by research scholars and students at central library in Alagappa University, Karaikudi: A case study. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, 8(1), 37-38.

Nayak, Ashapurna Priyadarshini (2017). Consortia Model of Accessing E Resources among Higher Education Institutions in India. International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science. 7 (3), 466-478

Patel, K. M. and Darbar, M. (2017). Availability and Use of E-Resources by Users of CKSVIM Library, Vadodara: A Study. International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science, 7 (4) 675-689.

1. Bansal, J. (2015). Usage of e-resources among the Agricultural Scientists of Himalayan Region of India. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, 5(2), 143-147.


The paper explores to what extent the Ayurvedic medical college library users are aware and use e-resources in their respective college library. The study is based on questionnaire distributed to the users of Ayurvedic medical college library with special reference to North Karnataka, India. The study found that library facilities are good in all the libraries under study. Tukey’s post hoc test reveals that the purpose of using e-resources varies from person to person. With regard to awareness of medical database, it is found that majority of the respondents do not aware of it. The statistical test results reveals that Medline plus is good and for other databases is unaware.
