"Awareness and Application of Organizational Knowledge Management by Ac" by Angela Njideka Anike and Anthonia Ukamaka Echedom

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 2020

Document Type



Application of organizational knowledge management is crucial to effective information service delivery in university libraries. Its implementation in Nigeria is still at the initial stage while the level of awareness and application in university libraries in South-East is yet to be determined. This study investigated the level of awareness and application of organizational knowledge management by academic librarians in University libraries in South-East Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was adopted. The population comprised 175 academic librarians from ten public universities. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire. Percentages and mean were used to answer the research questions while t-test was used for testing the hypothesis. The study revealed among others that the level of awareness of organizational knowledge management was high however; the level of its application was low. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the collective knowledge of the organization is uncoordinated and knowledge sharing has not been institutionalized in the University libraries studied. This might have resulted to low application of organizational knowledge management in the university libraries in South-East, Nigeria. This defect impedes the achievement of organizational goals. It was recommended among others, that University libraries should formulate an organizational knowledge management strategy based on actual needs of the university; academic librarians should be equipped with skills and competencies to confidently and effectively apply organizational knowledge management for improved service delivery; trainers of academic librarians should expose and equip them with knowledge and competencies to confidently and effectively apply organizational knowledge management for improved service delivery.
