Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study assessed the information literacy level and media resource utilization among the secondary school students in Lagos State, Nigeria. Using a survey research design, questionnaire was used as the main instrument for data collection. Data was collected from 1,119 SSS2 students across 17 secondary schools from 3 educational districts in Lagos State, Nigeria. Findings showed that highest number of the respondents (25.8%) were from 10 -11 years, while the least (17.4%) were from age 14-15 years, while 53.6% were male and 46.4% were female. The finding revealed that secondary school students in Lagos State, Nigeria have moderate information literacy skills. Using the criterion mean of 2.50 as benchmark, the results showed that the respondents possessed some level of identification of information needs and information retrieval with the weighted mean of 2.60 and 2.56 computed for the two indicators respectively. The findings also showed that information literacy skills contributed immensely to media resource use among the respondents and there was a significant relationship between information literacy skills and media resource use of the students as r = 0.22, p<.05. The study recommended that there is need for students to acquire in-depth information literacy skills to be able to analyze and evaluate information gathered from the media resources; school authorities and other concerned stakeholders in Nigeria should incorporate subjects on information skills development into the schools’ time table; and there is also the need for training and re-skilling of Teacher-librarians across the secondary schools.
